How does Spaciousness in YOUR body and mind FEEL? 

Is this a question you ever ask yourself?

Would you like to experience a sense of space between your thoughts, spaciousness in the breath and lungs or space in your day for nothingness?  In our modern lives in the West, we are encouraged to fill our days and to ‘get stuff done’ but this can easily leave us feeling burnt out and as if there is simply no space for just being, having day dreaming time to ourselves.

Here are a few, very simple ideas for finding your way back to a sense of space within YOUR body and mind.

  • Allocate 10 minutes each day to simply sit and day dream. This might be looking out of your window with your favourite cup of tea, in bed each morning or out for a walk.  Take time look at the sky, the clouds, the birds and trees.  Whatever your view, take time to absorb its beauty and allow your mind to wander.
  • Vapourise some essential oils such as Frankincense, Rosemary or Tea Tree in your home.  Frankincense is well known for its ability to take you to a spiritually higher realm, away from worldly thoughts promoting a sense of calm and ease.  It is thought that it also may have a toning effect on the lungs. Rosemary and Tea Tree are also lovely oils for creating a sense of space in the breath and mind.  Rosemary, which is also a cephalic (helps to focus our thoughts and bring clarity to the mind), is readily available as a herb in the garden.  You could simply pick some and steep it in boiling water to release the vapours into your room.
  • Take 5 minutes to engage in some gentle breath work wherever you are, even in a crowded public space.  Focusing internally on your breath is a great way to calm a busy mind and regulate your nervous system.   You could try simply being aware of the breath entering and leaving your body, noticing where the breath touches you on the inside.  Or try following my short ‘Triangle Breath’ practice below – it’s very easy!
  • Create more physical space in just one room, corner of your home or your desk by decluttering.  I have found a surprising sense of calm and spaciousness of being by decluttering even just in one drawer at a time.
  • Place a piece of Smokey Quartz or Selenite in your room to absorb negative energy and promote a sense of harmony.  Even if you cannot actively feel the difference, the beauty of these naturally occurring gemstones can instinctively make us feel calm.
  • Open windows regularly and air your house – simple but effective!

Wishing you a sense of calm and spaciousness in your mind and body today and always. x

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