The New Moon Eclipse this weekend can, for many of us, bring a time of change, when old ways of being drop away and we can choose to walk a path that is more in alignment with our soul’s yearnings.  If there are old patterns of thinking that no longer serve you, old habits or beliefs about yourself and the world that do not resonate with your soul’s journey, then now is a good time to engage in letting these go.   As astrologer Yasmin Boland says, new moon eclipses are ‘like a sliding door that we can walk through into another way of being’.

I intend to take some time tonight to engage in my own New Moon Eclipse Ritual, to let go of all that no longer serves me, in particular, old beliefs about myself that hold me back from reaching my highest potential.

Why not take some time to honour and cherish yourself and follow all, or some, of my ritual and take a step through that ‘sliding door into another way of being’ this weekend!

Starting your Ritual 

Create a sacred space in your home to carry out your ritual and put aside about an hour for the whole ritual to Reflect, Release & Renew (or break it up if you have shorter periods of free time).  Light candles, have some soft music playing (try our New Moon Eclipse spotify playlist below) and burn incense or vaporise essential oils such as Frankincense, Lavender or Elemi (Orenda’s Yogi blend would be perfect to roll on your wrists and inhale to bring you into the right frame of mind).

Gather everything you’ll need such as pens, paper or a journal, a glue stick, magazines and a large piece of paper or card.

Calm your mind and body with a relaxing meditation, following the video below.  This was recorded at the end of an online yoga class but can be engaged with anywhere, including sitting up in a comfortable chair or sofa.

Reflect – Get Creative

Journaling or using an unlined piece of paper.  Take some time to reflect on any habits in thinking or behaviour you wish to release, to consider any ways of thinking that hold you back, where and how you might self sabotage and any areas of your life in which you feel a change would be good (even if painful).

Reflect back on your life.  What are some of your core beliefs about yourself? Perhaps pick one area of your life for example, your work life, significant relationships, how you handle money, how you parent.  Think back to when you were younger and the messages you received about yourself from key figures such as your parents, guardians, teachers and society.  Are these core beliefs about yourself true? Or could they have been someone else’s beliefs or even stem from someone else’s fears for example.

Release – Let go of all that no longer serves you

Draw it all out.  Draw, write, scribble a few key light bulb moments from these reflections (don’t feel you have to delve too deep all at once, this is a valuable exercise to repeat and can bring up some useful but painful insights.)

Honour the past. Thank these beliefs, habits or ways of being for all they have done for you so far in your life and write down that you no longer have need for them as you move forward.   There will be positives in many of these old beliefs or habits – for example, I grew up believing that I had to prove my worth, this has led me to work hard and achieve much in my life but now I choose to know that my worth lies in simply being who I am.

Renew – Choose & Manifest 

Choose a new belief. Decide what beliefs about yourself and your world serve you now. Counter these few ‘light bulb moment’ beliefs or habits with a sentence stating that you now choose a different belief that resonates with your soul’s journey in this phase of your life.  Write ‘I choose to believe’……for example, ‘I choose to believe that I am capable of managing my money’.

Write yourself a love note.  You may wish to write yourself a love note where you acknowledge and validate all those amazing qualities that make you ‘you’.   You could start sentences with ‘I am’ or Your name and then ‘you are’ for example ‘Louisa, you are very caring’ or ‘I am capable’, ‘I am loveable’, ‘I am a good leader’.

A bright new future. Create a manifestation board by tearing out pictures from magazines and using pens, pencils or crayons to envision your future where you hold these new beliefs or engage in new healthy habits.  Try not to think to hard about what you tear out or write and then stick your board up where you can see it daily.

I hope you can enjoy all, or some, of this New Moon Eclipse Ritual, on your own or share the moment with a child, husband or friend.  Wishing you a bright and beautiful future, believing in the best of yourself. x