Gentle, touch free healing for mind, body and spirit

Originating from Japan, Usui reiki is a gentle form of healing through which the body’s natural energy flow is brought back into balance. By helping to release blockages to the flow of universal life force, into and throughout the body, reiki encourages our own healing processes to promote physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.
Having been attuned to sense imbalances in the body’s energy field, a reiki practitioner will be intuitively guided by the reiki energy flowing through them, and by the client’s body, to understand which chakras and energy meridians require balancing to promote wellbeing.
With the client lying or sitting comfortably and remaining fully clothed, reiki can be given by placing one’s hands lightly on the body or without touch, holding the hands at a distance from the body. Reiki healing may also be received at greater distances, even from the comfort of your own home or office.
Most people report feelings of profound relaxation and wellbeing during a reiki treatment, some may see colours and images, others may receive new perspectives on issues in their lives or simply feel deeply rested and refreshed.
Practitioners of the Usui Shiki Ryoho reiki method are attuned to receive and sense reiki energy by an existing reiki master with a direct, traceable lineage back to the late 19th century founder of the healing system, Dr Usui and his original apprentices.
Potential Benefits of Reiki Healing
Reiki healing can help bring balance and deep relaxation to our whole being, it is a safe and gentle therapy, can be carried out alongside conventional treatment and can:
- Reduce stress and calm the mind
- Heal the physical body
- Reduce pain and inflammation
- Release long held emotions
- Bring chakras into balance
- Support your spiritual development
- Promote feelings of happiness & wellbeing
Reiki energy can also:
- Be infused into objects and substances
- Be used to clear spaces of negative energy
- Be sent across time and space
Orenda Reiki
Orenda founder, Louisa Williams is a qualified reiki master in the Usui Shiki Ryoho lineage having received her attunements and training through Richard Ellis and Nikki Gresham Record. She often infuses crystals with reiki energy and uses them to enhance her treatments.
Reiki Treatments – What to expect
1 hour treatment at Orenda
An initial short health consultation will be taken in order to understand any issues you would like to focus on. You will then be invited to lie fully clothed on a warmed massage couch and be covered in a blanket if you wish, and have the option of relaxing music.
As you receive your reiki healing, much of the time there will be no touch and other times just a light laying of hands on your body over the blanket. You may have small crystals placed on you or around you.
Many experience feelings of warmth and tingling as well as an unusually deep sense of relaxation.
At the end of the treatment you will be offered some water and have the chance to discuss any feelings or discoveries with the therapist. Your feeling of relaxation will most likely continue for some time and even if you are not aware of it, the healing process will continue for a number of days or weeks after your treatment.
Online treatments
It is possible to receive healing at any distance from your home or office. After an initial short consultation via zoom or facetime you can make yourself comfortable in your environment either sitting on a chair or lying down.
Simply relax whilst the therapist sends reiki healing, sensing imbalances in the energy field in much the same way as if they were physically with you.
Many experience feelings of warmth and tingling as well as an unusually deep sense of relaxation.
At the end of the treatment you will have the chance to discuss any feelings or discoveries with the therapist. Your feeling of relaxation will most likely continue for some time and even if you are not aware of it, the healing process will continue for a number of days or weeks after your treatment.
Space clearing
It is possible to use reiki energy to clear a space of negative and heavy energies and to create a protected and relaxed space for those who occupy it. This can be done in person or at a distance. Please get in touch to discuss your particular needs.
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