Sacrosancts – Essential Oil Blends
Enrich your life and enhance your wellbeing with these hand crafted, healing infused 100% natural essential oil blends

About – Sacrosancts
At Orenda we believe life is sacrosanct, and that nature has designed everything, including us, in perfect form. To encourage us all to believe this of the world, and ourselves, we offer this range of exquisite essential oil blends.
We consider them to be gifts from nature and so do everything we can, to do nothing to interfere with, or take away from, these amazing pure products of our earth.
Care in Creation
We passionately believe that the care and intention with which things are created, has a profound effect on the beauty, efficacy, and quality of the end product.
Each of the Sacrosancts blends has been created through an initial process of meditation which allows us to perceive the vibrational and energetic essence of the oil and open up to a more complex set of influences than simply the knowledge of our minds.
We then call upon our 20 years of experience and training, and hone each blend into the complex and beautiful aroma that we now offer to you. Each small, handcrafted batch of blends is further infused with reiki and crystal energies so that you may truly benefit from the oils’ age-old capacity for deep healing of the mind, body and spirit.
Our Sincere Intention
In creating this range of oils our sincere intention is to help you connect inwardly and recognise the true beauty and serenity present within your own self, as well as to support and lift up your daily life.
The Sacrosancts Blends
We invite you to journey with us into this beautiful and rich world of vital plant energy, choosing your own level of experience with each of our blends.
Use as a natural perfume
You may simply wish to enjoy the beautiful aromas, bringing many moments of presence, joy and light into your day. Perhaps layering the different blends to suit your mood or preference and so creating a bespoke personal fragrance.
Journey Deeper
Or you may wish to journey deeper, to engage with the oils’ ancient healing capacities and release all that stands between you and your divine and uniquely perfect nature. Explore with us by following the practices below.
Power of Intention
Use the power of intention to enhance your blend, repeating in your mind a short affirmation, such as ‘I quieten my mind’ ‘All is well’ as you inhale the aroma. Each blend has a set of suggested intentions or you may wish to create your own.
Quiet Connection
Simply create a quiet moment of connection to your inner self, allow access to your natural calm and brighten your outlook.
Aura Cleansing
Clear and balance your energy field with the following sequence.
Energetic Space Cleansing
Clear and balance your surroundings with the following sequence.
For further practices to enhance your wellbeing and elevate your vibration with our Sacrosancts blends click here for video resources including meditations and short yoga sequences.

Yogi – Quieten your Mind
(Affirmation ‘I quieten my mind’, ‘I become still’)
Elemi, Sandalwood, Palmarosa, Rosewood, Cedarwood & Mandarin
A wonderfully calming, grounding and expansive oil to bring us into a ready state of mind and body to practice yoga and meditation. Use at any time to quieten your mind, bring peace to your being and connect to the flow of earthly and universal energies that run through us.
A quiet but alert mind is helpful when being creative, this blend can also bring inspiration to artists and writers and any creative pursuit. Useful when a busy brain keeps you from sleep.

Arise – Vitalise your Day
(Affirmation: ’I awake refreshed, feeling the infinite flow of life through me’ ‘I am grateful for this new and beautiful day’)
Rosemary, Sweet Basil, May Chang, Lavender, Sweet Orange, Lime
A fresh, herbal and zesty blend to use in the morning to prepare for the day, wake up the senses and to open up to the joy in life. Use to aid concentration and to refresh a tired mind and body at any time of day.

Uplift – Raise your Spirits
(Affirmation: ’I trust all will be well’ ‘I flow through transitions with grace and ease’)
Neroli, Bitter Orange, Sweet Orange, Fragonia, Plai, Elemi, Petitgrain, Black Pepper
A beautiful, sunny and high vibrational blend to help us navigate life’s transitions and challenges with grace, optimism and ease. By connecting us to our higher selves, this heavenly mix of oils aids us in accessing our inner wisdom, broadening our perspective and bringing balance in times of great personal or world change.

Embrace – Cherish your Self
(Affirmation: ’I hold myself dear’ ‘I value & cherish myself in all that I do’)
Jasmine, Bergamot, Myrrh, Cedarwood, Yarrow, Sandalwood
A luxuriously earthy and sensuously floral blend to help us reconnect to our bodies and to our inherent beauty. Encouraging us to release and heal long held grief, to value and hold ourselves sacred, believing that we are worthy of receiving love. We can use this blend to help us release negative self judgments, to reclaim our bodies and learn to love and cherish ourselves just as we would a beloved partner.

Fortify – Summon your Courage
(Affirmation: ’I cleanse my personal and physical space of all fear & negative energy’ ‘I feel rooted, stable and protected at all times’)
Ravensara, Myrtle, Vetiver, Cedarwood, Cardamon, Angelica, Patchouli
A deeply grounding, earthy and camphorous blend that connects us to the well of strength in our being at the same time as protecting us from external negative energies. Use to help dispel fear, both your own and that of others, and to invoke divine protection for yourself and your surroundings. You may wish to roll a small amount on your throat or chest for additional support during the winter months and throughout the year.
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