It can be easy to forget to give our bodies the same care and attention in the winter as we would in the summer, particularly when it comes to our feet.

Try creating space this Valentines week to show yourself some love and appreciation by committing to a daily ritual of care for your feet.

In my experience, it can be a surprisingly powerful and meditative practice of inward connection to look after our bodies in this way.

It can be interesting to take note of a reflexology map of your feet as you massage them and notice areas of tension or tenderness.  According to Chinese medicine, by applying pressure on peripheral nerve endings in the feet, we stimulate the nerve centre related to specific organs in the body.  In reflexology, the foot is divided into different zones and specific parts of it represent different organs in your body.

  • Enjoy a warm herbal foot bath.

    Use a handful of fresh herbs from your garden in a large bowl of comfortably hot water.  You may want to add a cupful of Epsom Salts and a couple of drops of essential oil such as lavender, rosemary or tea tree.  Sit quietly for 10 minutes, perhaps with a cleansing herbal tea, and allow your mind to wander.   You could try visualising all burdens and concerns being drawn from your feet into the water, leaving you feeling lighter and more relaxed.

  • Massage your feet before bed. 

    Massaging your feet as you prepare to sleep is a lovely way to connect to oneself after a busy day as well as helping us to sleep more soundly.  Use any cream or oil or try making the recipe below.  As you massage your feet, consciously go back over your day and list 3 things that made you feel happy or for which you can feel gratitude.   If there is anything that is bothering you or feels unresolved, try asking your unconscious mind, or a higher power that you believe in, to resolve the issue as you sleep.  Finish by mentally thanking your feet for carrying you through your day and acknowledge that now it is time for rest.

  • Bath time foot care.

    Next time you have a bath, use a pumice stone to smooth calloused areas of your feet as well as using soap to massage your feet and calves.

  • Recipe for nourishing night time foot massage oil.

    (if pregnant, unwell or taking medication, consult a healthcare professional before using essential oils)

    The recipe will make a 30mls bottle of oil.  Store in a cool, dark place in a clean glass bottle.

    Base oils: (if avocado and calendula oils prove difficult to source, replace with grapeseed or jojoba)

    Grapeseed oil 20mls (great, easily absorbed cold pressed oil)

    Avocado oil 5mls (wonderfully rich oil, great for dry skin) 

    Calendula 5mls (wonderful for soothing and softening dry skin)

    Aromatherapy Oils: (add carefully as they are highly concentrated plant oils, keep out of reach of children)

    Vetiver 2 drops (balancing for all the chakras and very grounding)

    Lavender 5 drops (balancing and clearing for all the chakras and great for sleep)

    Mandarin 4 drops (uplifting, relaxing and good for letting go of thoughts) 

    Sweet Orange 4 drops (uplifting, relaxing and good for letting go of thoughts)